Ronald Dwyer



Commercial Property Insurance

 What if a fire erupts in the building of your business and you lose your entire inventory, will your general liability be enough? If someone breaks into your business and steals expensive equipment, are you positive general liability will be enough?

If you intend on opening your business to the general public, general liability coverage is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the coverage you will need. For a more comprehensive approach to coverage, we encourage you to consider commercial property policy.

A typical Commercial Property Insurance policy includes coverage for:
-Structure (building) of your business
-Lost inventory
-Outdoor signs
-Damage to the property of others
-And more…

Commercial Property Insurance can be tailored to meet specific risk concerns, allowing you to opt for more coverage for some exposures, and less for others.





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       Michigan Locations
Michigan Locations:
Waterford Office:
2625 Pontiac Lake
Waterford, MI 48682
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
Livonia Office:
17870 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
Novi Office:
42705 Grand River Ave Suite 201
Novi , MI  48375
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
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