Ronald Dwyer



Worker's Compensation

 Workers Compensations is complicated. It is also mandatory. It is also one area of business insurance where proper preparation and implementation of good company policies can significantly reduce premiums. Often very simple bookkeeping or hiring changes can save 15-20% of premium dollars.  Let me help you design a Worker's Compensation policy that is right for you.






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       Michigan Locations
Michigan Locations:
Waterford Office:
2625 Pontiac Lake
Waterford, MI 48682
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
Livonia Office:
17870 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
Novi Office:
42705 Grand River Ave Suite 201
Novi , MI  48375
Phone: 248.390-6345
Fax: 248.682-2430
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